Improvements for Pasco High School

As years go by at Pasco High School and new students begin rolling in, everyone must follow whatever rules the school has.. Some modifications were even done to some of the rules here. Every teacher also has different ways on how they want to teach the class or handle the school rules. Could any more changes to the rules be done in the future?
The rules here at PHS are driven to be mandated very strictly amongst staff towards students. This also includes how an upcoming school events are held, what lunches the students like best, and even how the class hours are managed.
One student at PHS says, “As we get more events, the ASB has kind of been lacking to decide what our spirit weeks could be. Same with how there are planned school drills or test days, the hour schedules get mixed up and students don’t know when one class even starts.”
PHS senior Rubi Vasquez says, “I feel like there shouldn’t be a dress code, students should be able to feel comfortable and wear whatever they want. It’s our body so it’s our choice. To be honest the school dress code applies to girls more than it does to guys. Girls can’t show skin because it provokes the guys and whatnot, but regardless men are men and they’re going to look regardless of a piece of clothing.”
One other PHS senior Miranda Gomez said that she felt like she once wore a regular outfit with a shirt and cardigan, but because it was cold, she folded her arms only to be stopped by security to say that she must change her shirt because she’s showing a lot. She also said that this one male teacher at PHS was calling out girls’ outfits because they were too distracting. Gomez says, “If he’s going to point out that an outfit is distracting and make girls feel uncomfortable then he doesn’t have a right to be teaching.”
Therefore, it is shown how even when the dress code was improved last year, many girls here at PHS still struggle to roam around free as they please without being called out or looked upon. This also shows how PHS should improve in many ways if they want to create a safe environment for students.