Hidden Biases
Whether we like it or not we all have hidden biases. These hidden biases can be issues like stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination, racism, sexism, homophobia, misogyny, etc. More than we realize these issues are taught, as children applying what we have learned from our parents, teachers, and on tv. According to the article, “Test Yourself for Hidden Bias” found on the Learning from Justice website it said, “Social scientists believe children begin to acquire prejudices and stereotypes as toddlers. Many studies have shown that as early as 3, children pick up terms of racial prejudice without really understanding their significance.” Learning these heavy biases so young and not understanding what they are can have a negative impact once they actively participate in these biases.
We can have these biases and act on them unconsciously. According to the article, “Test Yourself for Hidden Bias” researchers conducted an experiment and observed that white interviewers sat farther away from black applicants and sat close to white applicants. The interviewers also made more speech errors and ended the interview 25% sooner. This clearly shows that we can unconsciously act on these biases.
The problem begins with these behaviors and micro aggressions, like body language, language, attitude, stereotyping, unconscious choice making, and prejudice beliefs. “Test Yourself for Hidden Bias” also states, “Minorities continue to report humiliating treatment by store clerks, co-workers, and police.” This shows that our biases can show through our actions and have a negative effect on people. The article also talks about how these biases can affect people’s self-confidence, performance, and aspirations. Bias has such a heavy and strong influence over people, mostly the people who are most affected are the ones being mistreated/judged. If we can identify these biases before we act on them, we could stop so many issues within not only our country but the world.
I am Madison I am senior here at Pasco High School. I am the middle child of three. I enjoy being with my friends, family, listening to music, driving,...