Mrs. Ledezma’s impact
The greatest feeling about school is when you get teachers who are passionate about their job and do what they can to shine that onto you. Refreshing to come to school and actually want to learn because the teacher makes school a little less dull and a lot of more like a fun place to get educated. Mrs. Ledezma is an example of this here at Pasco High School.
Mrs. Ledezma is a CTE teacher, she teaches financial literacy and early childhood education. Both of these classes are helpful for real life scenarios like filing taxes or raising a child. Mrs. Ledezma is a great leader and helps all students who may need help with some of these skills. In early childhood education she teaches the proper care of a baby and this is shown by students who sign up to actually take home a fake baby that had real needs. When Mrs. Ledezma was in college her original route was Pre-med. She shared with me that she had many hardships in pre-med and didn’t feel that it was the right fit. Eventually she was put into a human development 101 and instantly found a “ spark” and knew she was more interested in child development etc.
Although she found that spark when switching directions in careers, she wasn’t always so interested in teaching or working in schooling. Mrs. Ledezma felt that by becoming a teacher it would be to basic for her. She did do teaching academy in high school and she states “ part of me was against it” on the idea of pursuing that career. Of course since this is her 4th year at Pasco high her vision had changed and now she says “ I want to help kids find that spark too.”
Continuing on the conversation of teaching and students, I asked what is your priority as a teacher and what’s the greatest thing to come out of your job? Mrs. Ledezma shared her love to seeing her own students succeed. “ My goal is to be how the teachers were for me,” says Mrs. Ledezma. Ledezma told me a story of receiving an email from a past student who shared with her an update on what she was doing. She told Mrs. Ledezma about her applying for jobs that had to do with child care. This was a special moment for her especially since the student felt like she needed to share that with her. Mrs. Ledezma shows all what it’s about being a teacher and many students feel she is a teacher you’ll think back and remember when growing older.

Hi I'm Klarissa and I'm a junior here at Pasco High. I enjoy cheerleading for PHS, traveling with my family, playing with my dog Daisy that looks similar...