In today’s society, there are numerous high school students working a part-time job. Many students have their reasons as to why they’re working. Some students work to support their families, perhaps saving up for college or to have spending money. As it may be a good thing, there is a downside to that. Being employed sets you back on your academic achievements since balancing work and school can impact you. Before making a major decision on sending your resume/CV, let’s be aware of how will it impact us.
Woodrow Willson Britton, a senior here at Pasco High School, is currently employed at McDonald’s. He has a very good say on this topic, “It can be easy if you work somewhere that will work with you and give you time to study and prepare for your tests or keep grades up” he said. Some jobs will accommodate you and will work around your school schedule
Bianca Iliana Garza said, “Yes I think it’s easy to be a student and still work, I wouldn’t say it’s hard it is a little challenging to get hours around your school schedule but other than that it’s super easy.”
She’s absolutely right, the battle between your school schedule may impact how many job offers, or hours you get. Since it’s a part-time job, it really doesn’t give you the leverage of having social time and time to do school-curricular assignments. The money is good, but the catch is balancing all that if you can. Most part-time jobs will give you 10–20 hours per week, or even more. Paying students 16 – 15.50 an hour.
Regina Cruz explains she said, “I don’t think it’s easy to be a student while working because you could really fall behind on school, or you could be sleeping during class because you had to work a night shift. It’s pretty difficult to still be focused on school when that happens.”
The lack of sleep will begin working long shifts, working night shifts. It will start draining you, stress levels increase even earning money it may be the best part, but it takes the time of school, to do Assignments and study time for exams. Missing out on school events and social time. Family activities, Which can take a toll on your mental health.
Leyla Karina Garcia is currently working at a retail store and says” It’s easy to be working most of the time as long as I do most of my work in school and can finish some at home it’s ok”
If you’re sure you are ready, have a conversation with your family first to provide support. Test the waters first and don’t commit to long shits and a lot of hours. Talk to your manager about a very good flexible time. Plan to work around exams season not the other way around, school should be your first priority. Studying for exams, take a day off or pick up fewer hours. Pick up days that would work for you to study. Set boundaries within your job about how many amount of hours you can handle. Avoid procrastinating get things done and even work ahead if you can, get a monthly schedule to work around it. Save your money and spend wisely.
Jobs available for teens
Choosing the right job for you is very important, most teens leave the job before they even complete a month there, and miss out on other offers suitable for them. The jobs that hire high schoolers the fastest are fast food Restaurants.
- McDonald’s
- Taco Bell
- Arby
- Wendy’s
- DQ
- Wing stop
- Burger King
Make sure to do your research about the qualities, how to build a good resume, and how to professionally attend interviews.