Online shopping and in person shopping can both give great shopping experiences but which is better? Here at Pasco High I interviewed some students and asked them which one they think is better. Here is what they had to say.
One interview I had was with a student named Miguel, here is what he had to say: ” during the holidays, everything can be crowded and out of stock so id have to say the online is a great way to go for shopping during this time. Online is better, because online has more discounts and everything is crazy in stores during the holidays, and you can shop from the comfort of your own home, but with in person shopping places can get crowded and the employees can be rude. The advantages with online shopping is that EVERYTHING is online, you don’t have to have to worry about anything being out of stock. The disadvantages of online shopping is that everything takes forever to come in and scams can occur. In person shopping can provide a very different experience then online shopping because you get to pick out and buy the things you know you want and will use and once you get it you get to have the excitement of having something new! online shopping to me is just the way to go.”
I would have to agree with Miguel when he mentioned that shopping online is the easy way to go. I hate going into crowds and having to wait in long lines, but with online everything you can think of is there, like jewelry, makeup, Christmas gifts, and much more.
Another interview I had was with another students that is names Karyssa Heron. Here is what she said: “Online to me is better for the holidays because you wont have to deal with people being rude towards you, getting pushed out of the way for one item, and with online everything is always in stock. The disadvantages of online shopping is that products you see online are deceiving can come out in an unexpected way and clothes you order wont always fit. The advantage of online shopping is that everything can be cheaper. You can get things with discounts and you can order all of it from the comfort of your own home. Shopping in person can provide a good distraction and different experience then online since everything you see is in person and can try on clothes to your liking without having to worry about them coming in big sizes or small. For online shopping, there can be certain things that you can find in store but for those hard to find items, you can revert to online.”
Products online can be really deceiving and come out leaving us disappointed. That is one thing I had to agree on with Karyssa.
My last (but not least) interview was with a student named Hailey and her response was: “For holidays I’d have to say that it depends. With small holidays like Halloween or Valentines day, it’s easy to shop in person but things like Christmas related would be an automatic online choice, its way easier and much faster to find things. The advantages of online shopping is the quick receiving, and fast ordering, while the disadvantages is definitely prices, they are way higher then in person. In person for me has provided a different experience for me because it has given me a bigger variety to look around and explore more which can distract me and lift my mood, there are also more places in person to shop in then online. For certain products online is much easier for fun things such as toys and entertainment items. Online shopping also comes in handy for things like jewelry and accessories.”
Oh my gosh, the prices! Online ups the prices so much and makes it harder for me to spend money. Hailey’s response, I’d say, was very in detail and I agree with almost all of it.
Which one do you prefer? Online shopping or in person? Thanks for taking your time to read my article and let me know which strategy you’d prefer in the comments.