When we teens think of cameras, we all think they’re there to keep an eye on us or we take it in as something we have to hide from. But we really never understand the reason behind why we need cameras. I had had an interview with Mr. Eriberto Frias because I wanted to get his point of view as to why we needed to get all of these new cameras installed into the school this year.
The number one reason we had cameras added to the school was safety. Mr. Frias explains that he himself is a parent and that, “as parents, we want to know that our kids are safe from the minute we drop our kids of at school or put them on the bus. Parents expect them to go to school and they want them to be safe. That’s what every parent wants. Yes, they want them to get an education, they want them to do awesome in school, and do all that good stuff but safety is first. Here at the high school level nothing changes. Safety is priority and our new camera system added a bunch of new cameras so the school now has eyes everywhere. It’s amazing but the reason why is amazing is because now they’re able to have eyes everywhere around the school. This helps with being prepared because anything can happen out there. Anything out of the ordinary or anything that’s not going to keep us safe, we need to see it and catch it quickly. Better to be safe then sorry, so the school is prepared for anything that can go wrong. The one entrance at PHS that we use now is part of the same plan. It’s part of the safety plan. One entrance so we know everyone that’s coming in so that we have no unwanted visitors that do not belong here. We can do our best to not let anyone who doesn’t go to school here at Pasco High School that are only here to cause harm or not doing good things in our school. The one entrance is good the cameras helps us with that too.”
I also asked Mr. Frias if it more cause or effect to add security and cameras to the school. He said, “the cameras got paid for by the district because of the bond that got passed. Part of the bond was to increase safety in schools, so we used the money from the bond to pay for the new camera system. The bond was what covered the cameras meaning that the district paid for the cameras and so did the tax payers. When it comes to security, we the school have to pay them annually meaning it comes out of the school’s income. But if it was up to me, I would rather choose security staff than cameras simply for the connection they can have with the students around Pasco high school.”