Working on yourself can really change a lot about you and even make you feel much better to. These 3 people Devon Valdivia, Leo Salgado, and myself, Elias Perez, have all worked out in some way like runningĀ or weight lifting. Works out are typically done in a gym, PHS weight room, and even the track at Edgar Brown stadium. Doing work outs can be done when ever you want and where as long as it’s appropriate place and time for it.
Leo Salgado, Junior class of 2025, has done 10 years of football, 5 years of wrestling, and 3 years of weight lifting.
Lifting weights, wrestling, and football has changed Leo both physically and mentally. Not only is your body getting in shape, but mentally you are feeling better about yourself slowly. The kinds of workouts Leo has done is running like gassers (which is a condition drill), weight lifting like bench and squat, football drills, and wrestling drills.
Some physical changes to Leo’s body is he has lost a lot of body fat and gained more muscle which is what lifting weights can get you to do and gaining more muscle means you become much stronger as well. Some mental changes Leo said he noticed, “It has me drained and other times it makes me feel that I’m pushing myself.” Leo thinks to himself that doing all of this makes him think he is bettering himself, that he is becoming a better version of who he used to be which this mental toughness can go a long way in life. Working out also makes you look better to, you look fit, nice, and in shape for example Leo used to be chubby and had chubby cheeks but working out made him lose his chubby cheeks. Leo doesn’t only just lift he also does cardio like stair laps and running down and back on the football field. All this cardio translate to him be able to be able to run longer than what he used to be able to which is super important in the game of football. Overall all the exercise Leo does benefits him mentally and physically. Leo’s max bench is 270 and squat 345.
Devon Valdivia, Senior class of 2024, has been working out for 4 years and 5 years of football, and 2 years of wrestling.
Devon said how working out makes him feel is “It makes me feel more productive”. Types 0f work outs Devon has done is mostly weight lifting, running, wrestling drills, and football drills. Some physical changes Devon has noticed is he has more muscles, loses weight, and as time goes on it gets easier to work out.
Some mental changes Devon said he noticed is, “once I get done with a hard workout it makes other things feel easier”. Devon became more stronger mentally and allowed him to get through mentally challenging things. As time goes on you gain a mental toughness that allows you to push yourself and make other task mentally easier for yourself. Devon wanted to get stronger and more fit because he wanted to do better for the sports that he played football and wrestling. How these work out affect Devon is all the running he did in the past allowed him to be on the football field longer and hit other players harder with the muscles he gained. His max bench 245 and squat is 410
Now for me, Senior class of 202,4 I’ve done 3 years of track, 2 years of football, 1 year of wrestling, and 5 years of weight lifting.
How working out makes me feel is I feel really good about myself since I know slowly but surely I’m getting stronger. Work outs I’ve done is running like 200 and 100 meter dash, weight lifting like bench and power cleans, football drills, and wrestling drills. Physical changes I noticed about my body is I look better and more learn, I have muscle that is clearly visible like bigger biceps and shoulders.
Mental changes about myself is I don’t like to miss a work out or a practice no mater how late or early it is I need to be there. Missing a work out or practice makes me feel like I wasted my time that I could’ve used to better myself and after the work out I feel glad that I did it. How working out and practicing benefitted me is during track the power cleans I do make me more explosive so I get out of the blocks really fast and since I don’t skip practice I get faster in the 100 meter dash. Why I started working out is I just wanted to be stronger and do better in all of my sports.
Overall working out your body will benefit you in more ways than one, you will look better, be stronger mentally and physically, and just become a better version of yourself. In the long run this will pay off immensely, you won’t regret working out or not skipping a practice.