Warning your favorite teachers may move classrooms next year.

There are many teachers who are changing classrooms next year.
In the effort to consolidate teachers that teach the same subject to the same place, there are a lot of teachers changing classrooms over the summer.
While teachers move classrooms almost every summer, this year there are more than normal. This summer all the English teachers will be moving to the portables and the Social Studies and Special Education teachers will be moving into the building.
When students come back next year, they will have to change where they go for cohort or other classes they have for more than one year.
It is a lot of work to move classrooms. While normally teachers don’t have to pack everything for the summer, if they change classrooms, they do. Then they often help move the boxes and other stuff. It is also a lot of work for the custodians who will help move the boxes or the desks if the teacher needs specific stuff. Not only that, the teachers also have to set up the new classrooms.
Most teachers will be sharing their classrooms next year. They will have to leave their classrooms for an hour for another teacher to teach in there during their planning period.

My name is Andrew Doyle. I am a Senior in the graduating class of 2021 at Pasco High School. I enjoy band, math and science. I am in journalism...