The Best Horror Movies


We all love a good scary movie throughout the year, but when the month of October comes and its spooky season, we are all attracted to watching classic horror films. Lovers of horror enjoy the adrenaline and intensity that comes with watching these films. Directors of these movies like Guillermo del Toro and James Wan are some of the best, because they have this vision of pushing the human heart rate to its limit through a screen.

Must Watch Classics

Just like everything there are those classics, the ones everyone and their grandma knows and that’s what these are. These films even being horror films give us a sense of being at home or family feeling, they were watched to make memories and bring the memories back every time. The first movie is “Halloween”, originally releasing on October 25th, 1978. John Carpenter the director shows us the story of Michael Myers a boy who begins his horrid story with murdering his own sister at the age of six. Starring Jamie Lee Curtis as the main role, this is one of everyone’s classic if not the classic. The next film is “A nightmare on Elm Street” releasing on November 16, 1984. Bringing in a $57 million box office, Johnny Depp leading with his role as Glen Lantz, him and his teenage friends fall victim to Freddy Krueger who we all now know as the infamous nightmare slayer who kills teenagers in their dreams. A childhood classic for everyone. The final classic is Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining”, with Jack Nicholson’s iconic roll as Jack Torrance we get one of the most iconic seconds of film history with him breaking through a door with an axe saying, “here’s Johnny”. We get many eerie scenes that run chills down your back. Originally releasing on May 23rd, 1980, the movie has now become one of not just horrors classics but a classic in all of film.

Modern Classics

We have all the movies of the past that we love, but there is always those new movies that are instant classics. There are so many good new movies and with all the new technology that can be used now a movie is no different from reality other than our knowledge that it’s a movie. So now horror films are very scary. The first movie is “The Conjuring” Directed by James Wan, the life of Ed and Lorraine Warren is displayed with their adventure of the supernatural activities happening around a family’s recently bought home. This movie is based on true events although altered for viewing pleasure it brings the question what is truly possible. The next movie is “Us” directed by Jordan Peele who is more known for his comedic pieces but now has quickly made his name in the world of horror. A very psychologically driven film, with many hidden hints that are missed if you aren’t paying close attention. The movie is very different from other horror movies, but it is definitely an amazing film that is worth the watch. The last movie is “IT” an iconic film known for Bill Skarsgard’s performance as Pennywise the clown. Seven kids take on the clown so for people like me who are around the age, they give us a feeling of what we want. Releasing on September 5th, 2017, it brought in over $700 million in the box office.

Honorable Mentions

These are some personal favorites or recommendations that are good. The first movie is “Sleepaway Camp” releasing on November 18th, 1983, this movie about a serial killer at a summer camp is a different type of creepy. Truly one of the only movies that has scared me, the acting in the movie is amazing. The next story is “The Invisible Man” a very modern take on a horror film this movie shows how Cecilia played by Elisabeth Moss is pushed to edge by technology. Directed by Leigh Whannel it brought in an over $140 million box office. The last movie is “Creep” Directed by Patrick Kack-Brice, we experience the entire movie as if it were being shot through a home camera. The seclusion of information being shown has you always on the edge of your seat of what is about to happen.