Milly Bobby Brown Starring in Upcoming Book to Film Adaptation
Milly Bobby Brown, known for her leading role in both Stranger Things and Enola Holmes, has signed with Netflix on a new project: The Girls I’ve Been, a movie adaptation of the book by Tess Sharpe.
The deal was signed July of last year, way before the book was officially released this year. Already, the book has readers hooked, with thousands of five-star ratings on goodreads.
“If you think I didn’t stab that asshole, you have not been paying attention. Because that’s exactly what I did.” -Nora O’Malley, The Girls I’ve Been by Tess Sharpe.
The story follows Nora, daughter of a con artist, current hostage in an armed bank robbery. What was supposed to be an awkward day with her girlfriend and ex-boyfriend, supposed best friend trio, quickly turns into a perilous life-or-death situation.
The book alternates between past and present, all told through first person. Some chapters go through each con Nora’s had to pull off with her mother, what she’s learned, and how she escaped five years ago. Meanwhile, present-day Nora figures out how she’s going to save everyone in the bank using the skills she’s tried so hard to rid herself of. Half a decade of running from conning and criminals, only to be held at gun point in a small-town bank.
The stakes are high. Nora is trying to save her girlfriend, her ex-boyfriend, and (hopefully) herself. Her best friends are the most important people in her life and, aside from her sister Lee, the only people who make her Nora O’Malley. Her persuasion and impersonating skills have conned loads of criminal men, but with a bounty over her head, is Nora willing to sacrifice her safety and identity for this one final con?
Check out The Girls I’ve Been and see the morally grey bisexual before she hits Netflix. Physical copies are available in both the Pasco High Library and the Mid Columbia Library, and the audiobook is available at Mid Columbia Library.

My name is Jacky, I use any pronouns, and I'm a senior at Pasco High. In my free time I like to read books, watch shows, and try new things. I like being...