What Students are Doing this Summer

I interviewed students at Pasco High School to figure out what their plans for this summer were. I decided to interview students at the school campus during lunch when it was obvious they weren’t busy so I could get the best responses possible without having any kind of interruption.
I decided to make this article because summer is coming up and it will be interesting for people at Pasco High to know what some people are doing this summer. This might also bring up some ideas for people who don’t know what they wanna do this summer.
I started off by interviewing my friend Adriel Ramirez who is 17 years old, “I’m going to try and get a summer job so I can start buying my own stuff.”
There’s a lot of opportunities for students to get jobs at this age while still being in school, I think it’s a good idea to get a job if you don’t have much to do during the summer. It can benefit you in so many ways like being able to buy your own stuff, learn more about finances, and help you gain more experience in the work industry early on especially if you get a job that you actually enjoy.
I then interviewed Juan Mejia who is a Junior and 16 years old by asking him what he was planning to do this summer, “I’m planning on going to the gym at least five times a week since I just want to focus on myself.”
Summer is a great time for you to focus on yourself and improving who you wan to be as a person. It helps your mentality and can benefit your mental and physical health just by working on yourself like going to the gym. Juan just needs to keep that mentality which will help him get the discipline he needs to achieve his goals.
The next person I interviewed was Carlos Rodriguez who is 16 years old and a sophomore here at Pasco High, “I’m going to just play video games with friends all summer long.”
Playing video games with friends can be very fun since it can help you stay in contact with your friends while having fun virtually. It is also good a distraction to relieve from any stress you might be going through. At Carlos’s age that’s when most people are transitioning from being a kid to being an adult which means there will be more responsibilities to take care of, so having a whole summer of just playing video games might be a good idea at his age because that may be the last time he could do that if he really wants to, it’s just up to him to decide.
The last person I interviewed was Luis Gomez who is 17 years old and a Junior, “This summer I’m just going to take care of my sick grandma since my mom goes to work and can’t take care of her.”
Luis’s responsibility is extremely kind of him since he cares enough to take care of a beloved family member who is sick. This reminds me that this summer students can spend more time with their families and build a stronger connection and relationship with them. Nowadays it seems that many students have family problems, so summer is a great time to fix or build that up so they can be in good terms with family members.
School won’t get in the way during summer so this leads to many open plan opportunities for students to take advantage off and maybe focus on themselves.