Get to know Ms. Pratt
Job: Science teacher teaches zoology, forensics, and biology
Birthday: March 7th
Facts about her: used to play in a band, is also a hair stylist
Hobbies: likes to play the guitar, loves to paint and also enjoys gardening
Something not a lot of people know: used to be a boxer
Dream vacation: Belize
Something you dislike: fake people…. just be real
Fun facts: owns a salon, mom used to make my own clothes when I was younger and I know how to fight
Advice you’d give kids taking you’re class: don’t skip…. show up and do the work. It’s not bad as you make it seem
What were you like as a teen: a very angry teen, but was also very creative, artsy and musical. Also very outdoorsy, very fun and I moved out at a young age