All officers are at their positions
This last Thursday the 27th, the Pasco 49’ers officer team hosted their first FFA banquet in almost two years. Last year due to Covid, the banquet was over zoom and the new officers didn’t get the full experience. The usual ceremony consists of catered food in the student mall, followed by two hours of awards and FFA degrees. The senior awards and retiring addresses are towards the end. The last order of business for banquet is the announcing of next year’s officers and jacket hand over. The jacket hand over is the current officers giving their jacket to next year’s officer’s (this year’s president gives the jacket to next year’s president, etc.). This is a way of “handing off their position” and this is how the new officers are announced.
This year, many adjustments were made. We aren’t allowed to serve food. Instead, goodie bags were put together that include candy, chips, fruit snacks, and flavor packets for the water bottles. The ceremony was held in the courtyard of Pasco High School. Due to Covid guidelines, chairs were spaced six feet apart and an RSVP was sent out beforehand to save spots. We also were not allowed to trade jackets and next year’s officers were not announced during the ceremony.
The banquet started at 4:30 in person as well as a computer set up for the students wanting to Zoom in. As usual, the officers started with the official FFA opening ceremony script where officers were introduced as well as their positions. Attendance was also taken for the official minutes that needed to be approved at the next meeting. Many first-year members were awarded Greenhand Awards as well as Chapter Awards for those more involved. Proficiency Awards were given to members who did competitions or shows at fairs as well as awards given out to a student in each grade level with the highest GPA. STAR awards were a few of the last awards given to students in each grade level that exceeded expectations for an FFA member. The final awards given out were to the seniors. That was followed by our retiring addresses as FFA officers.
When asked about banquet, Esmeralda Salazar, the chapter president, stated, “I’ve been in FFA for three years and I can say these officers are my family.” Along with the President, the Secretary, Zara Rodriguez our very own Sport’s Editor for the WASCO, also mentioned, “I’m very proud of the accomplishments we made even with the obstacles due to COVID. I am very proud to be an officer for the FFA 49ers.” Our reporter, and first year officer, Liv Rodriguez said, “I was very nervous since this was my first banquet. I’m glad people got to see that we can overcome obstacles that are thrown in our path. I’m glad I became an officer, and I can’t wait to do it again next year.”
Finally, to Ms. Lambert, our wonderful advisor. Thank you for pushing us to be the best we can be and always believing in us individually, and as a team. All the laughs and memories made in P203, all the times we argued with one another, you were there to remind us why we became officers and bring us back to reality. Banquet was our way of saying goodbye and one last hoorah as an officer team. Ms. Lambert is the rock of our chapter. She provides the support we need to be successful for one another and our members.

Hiiiii, this is my last year here at Pasco High and obviously first year in Journalism. I've been involved in Yearbook the last three years along with...
I'm Bella I am a reporter for the Pasco's high schools online newspaper. I am senior here at PHS. I will be graduating this June and enlisting into...

I'm a PHS student that loves making art and doing photography. I have been in the yearbook for three years, writing, designing, and taking photos for the...