Does the Wi-Fi ever get on your nerves? Or does it ever feel slow or laggy? These are some of the major issues that students face at Pasco High School on a daily basis. From our laptops to even our phones, the Wi-Fi seems to affect it all. Not only do students have issues completing assignments with the horribly slow Wi-Fi but it also affects other apps such as Minga on students’ phones. With this annoying and often frustrating issue, many students are left questioning where to go to deal with this problem.
It’s pretty much a guarantee that all Pasco high students have had at least one bad experience with the Wi-Fi. Whether the issue seems to be on your phone or on your laptop it’s inevitable that you’ll face at least one issue that will make you want to go home. In this case the student was Angel Y. When asked to describe his experience he answered ‘’Very often, if it’s not the connection itself, we sometimes experience difficulties with our apps’. An issue that again keeps coming up is the difficulties of experiencing laggy or slow Wi-Fi especially when it comes to being in one of the apps like Teams, Word, or FlexiSCHED.
One issue that makes many students angry is the fact that the bad Wi-Fi is always affecting our phones. This may seem like a positive for teachers because it means students will now actually start paying attention in class and start doing the work, but it also comes with some cons, specifically the new app we now need to use to get into and out the building Minga. Carlos Buenrrostro complained ‘’I often find myself stuck waiting outside because my phone won’t get connection to the Wi-Fi, so I can’t log into Minga’. Minga is currently exposing the issue with the Wi-Fi and how something needs to be done. Another student, Julian Parra, expressed her struggles saying, ‘’Often I find myself struggling to use most apps on my phone, like Minga’. The Wi-Fi obviously has a negative effect on students’ phones that needs fixing.
Many students also face Wi-Fi issues at home. If you have ever had to carry the feeling of knowing that you have to turn in assignments so that you wouldn’t fail a class, then you could guess the sheer panic of having your school laptop not connect to the school Wi-Fi. It’s important to remember that not everyone has Wi-Fi at home. Many depend on school Wi-Fi to get things done. One student in particular, Xander Danis, explained, ‘’I’ll go outside and feed the animals or walk my dog if the Wi-Fi doesn’t work’. Many students give up after the Wi-Fi doesn’t work causing many to fall behind in assignments.
Teachers, or at least one seems to have a different opinion on Wi-Fi, that teacher being Mr. Erickson. When discussing the Wi-Fi issue, he said ‘’It doesn’t.” He went on to say how he has never experienced an issue with school’s Wi-Fi and how it’s always been fine for him.
Does the Wi-Fi suck? Yes, it does. Is there much we can do about it? No. The Pasco school district website offers some tips like restarting your device and asking a student or teacher for help. I think these are already options students know though. The best option is to either call helpdesk or go to the library. There they will either help fix the problem or just give you a better working laptop.