Hey seniors! Have you ordered your cap and gown yet? The deadline is December 1st of this year. We wear caps and gowns as a symbol of graduating. It shows that we finished our 4 years and now we are onto improved things in life.
Caps and gowns are not a new tradition at Pasco High. They have been around and used for many years from color changes to adding our mascot to the sleeve. Pasco High will always have its own traditions of caps and gowns. Mr. Domingos oversees this year’s graduation; this role changes every year. He stated “the color of the caps and gowns have changed over the years. From purple and white to differentiate students to all purple due to its cost effectiveness.” This coming year we will be decked out in the classic Pasco purple. He also talked about the symbolism it comes with “the cap and gown are a symbol of achievement. This year along with every other year we will ask students not to wear the stomas unless for cultural reasons.” Students will be allowed to have parents bring their stomas to them after they have already walked the stage.
We as graduating seniors see the cap and gown as an end to our years in high school. It is a way for us to show we completed this chapter of our lives. I talked with an anonymous student about their feelings on the cap and gowns. They talked about why the gown is so important to them. They said, “My jeffita (mom) crossed borders to give me a better life. I am grateful for those sacrifices my jeffita made.” The cap and gowns have different meanings to some students. To this student it means, “I will no longer attend high school.” No matter what the cap and gown mean to you it still shows where you went.
Graduation is a time to show our friends and families. We made it, that we did it. The cap and gown will always be around to show us how far we have come. No matter the color or how far you go, you will always be a bulldog. You will always bleed the Pasco purple and represent our school. Congratulations to all seniors, we did! So, make your mark and shine bright because we must show the younger students that we represent those gowns proudly.