Should Students Evaluate Their Teachers?

Should Students Evaluate Their Teachers?

As students move up each grade, they become more mature as the years go on. For middle school and high school, they have multiple classes throughout the year to get all their credits in order to graduate. With different teachers and subjects, they teach differently due to their subject or experiences with past students. Every student has a different way of learning new subjects whether it’s studying or not studying, writing notes down or not writing notes down. Every day teachers deal with at least a hundred and fifty kids a day with different learning styles. If students evaluate how teachers teach it can improve their lifestyle and learning environment. 

Any student can evaluate their teacher with their permission and provide information of the educators’ strengths and weaknesses. Keep in mind that the student evaluating the teacher provides the information to be helpful and not harmful. Some things to think about to evaluate are how they teach, how they prepare PowerPoints/notes, or how they help students be successful and many more. These students providing their feedback can help guide teachers toward providing educational experiences that they truly enjoy.  

Another reason why evaluating teachers can improve the students’ learning and how teachers teach is their effectiveness. The expectation is that the evaluation process itself will enhance teacher practice and improve effectiveness, and this in turn will lead to improved student learning and achievement. When we think of an effective learning space for students is a comfortable learning environment, communication, and experience. There is much more for people to understand that everyone is different and this can help let students build trust with their teachers and be more involved in wanting to learn.  

Even when looking at this situation from the students’ point of view we can look at it from the teacher point of view. When evaluating their teachers, it can also be hard on them to have that educational equity in their classroom. Whatever may be happening in the students’ home can affect the way they perform inside the classroom. Teachers have that issue of trying to ensure that the students, no matter their personal situation, to make sure the student is still participating in class and doing their homework. If students and teachers want to both improve their lifestyle or their learning environment, we can start having students evaluate their teachers or other people as soon as possible to help them practice sharing their opinion respectfully no matter the situation.